Il Tavolo da gioco dedicato al Fight Club di Valm Neira.
Argomento bloccato

L'angolo del Tecnico

lun mar 23, 2009 12:49

Alla luce di molti diversificati punti di vista, e delle incomprensioni e dei rallentamenti che possono generarsi, mi sono risolto a pubblicarvi qui alcune specifiche tecniche del regolamento D&D 3.5 aggiornato alle ultime uscite.

Le fonti primarie (ma non esclusive) sono:
Manuale del giocatore I e II 3.5
Guida del Dungeon Master I e II 3.5
Rules Compendium

A quest'ultimo, data la sua specificità e la sua più recente pubblicazione, è data priorità in caso di discordanza con gli altri manuali.


Re: L'angolo del Tecnico

lun mar 23, 2009 12:50

Vi pubblico una descrizione dei vari tipi di azione (round completo, standard, movimento, veloce, gratutita, nessuna-azione) previsti dal sistema di regole 3.5, e una tabella con riassunte la quasi totalità delle azioni intraprendibili, il tipo di azione richiesto e se causano attacchi d'opportunità o meno.

Vi ricordo che le azioni di per sè non sono intercambiabili: non è possibile usare un'azione standard per ottenere un'effetto che normalmente richiederebbe un'azione di round completo (ovviamente) o di una veloce, nemmeno se il tempo teoricamente richiesto sarebbe inferiore.
L'unica eccezione da questo punto di vista rimane quella, accertata fin dal manuale del giocatore, di poter usare un'azione standard per ottenere un'azione di movimento.

A standard action allows you to perform an act that takes
a substantial amount of time. The most common type of
standard action is a single melee or ranged attack. Other
common standard actions include casting a spell, concentrating
to maintain an active spell, activating a magic item, and
using a special ability.

A move action allows you to move your speed or perform
an action that takes a similar amount of time. You can move
your speed, climb one-quarter of your speed, draw or stow a
weapon or other item, stand up, pick up an object, or perform
some equivalent action.
You can take a move action in place of a standard action.
For instance, rather than moving your speed and attacking,
you could stand up and move your speed (two move actions),
put away a weapon and climb one-quarter of your speed (two
move actions), or pick up an item and stow it in your backpack
(two move actions).
If you move no actual distance in a round—commonly
because you have swapped your move for one or more
equivalent actions, such as standing up—you can usually
take one 5-foot step before, during, or after the other actions
you’re taking.

A full-round action consumes almost all your effort during
a round. Before, during, or after a full-round action in which
you don’t otherwise move, you can usually take a 5-foot step.
The most common type of full-round action is a full attack,
which allows you to make multiple melee or ranged attacks
in a single round.
Some full-round actions don’t allow you to take a 5-foot
step. Other full-round actions can be taken as standard
actions in situations when you’re limited to performing
only a standard action during your turn, such as during
a surprise round.

Free actions consume a very small amount of time and
effort. Their impact is so minor that they’re considered free.
You can perform one or more free actions during your turn.
However, the DM can put reasonable limits on what you can
really do for free.

A swift action consumes a very small amount of time, but it
represents a larger expenditure of effort than a free action.
You can take a swift action any time during your turn, but
you can perform only one swift action per turn.

An immediate action consumes a tiny amount of time.
However, unlike a swift action, an immediate action can be
performed at any time during a round, even when it isn’t your
turn. Using an immediate action on your turn counts as your
swift action for that turn. If you use an immediate action
when it isn’t your turn, you can’t use another immediate
action or a swift action until after your next turn. You can’t
use an immediate action when you’re fl at-footed.

Some activities are so minor that they aren’t even considered
free actions. They literally don’t take any time
at all to do and are considered an inherent part of doing
something else.

A few situations make you unable to take a full round’s
worth of actions. In such cases, you’re allowed to take
only a single standard action or a single move action,
along with allowed swift, immediate, and free actions.
You can’t take a full-round action and finish that action,
but you can start or complete a full-round action by using
a standard action.

Re: L'angolo del Tecnico

lun mar 23, 2009 12:52

Actions in Combat

Standard Action AoO1 Page
Activate magic item
Command2 No 84
Manipulation3 Yes 84
Apply oil Yes 84
Drink potion Yes 84
Mental2 No 84
Scroll2 Yes 87
Spell trigger (such as a wand or staff)2 No 85
Aid another in combat4 Maybe 10
Assess opponent (Sense Motive) No 68
Attack (melee) No 16
Attack (ranged) Yes 16
Attack (unarmed) Yes* 16
Bull rush5 Yes 23
Cast spell (1 standard action casting time) Yes 133
Cast touch spell (1 standard action casting
time) and touch one target Yes 126
Concentrate to maintain active spell No 132
Demoralize opponent (Intimidate) No 68
Dismiss spell No 127
Draw hidden weapon No 117
Escape grapple or pin (Escape Artist) No 61
Feint No 54
Free another from fascinated condition No 35
Light torch with tindertwig Yes —
Lower spell resistance No 130
Make dying friend stable (DC 15 Heal check) Yes 73
Move grapple6 Yes 61
Overrun5, 7 Yes 108
Ready (triggers standard action) No 110
Start or complete full-round action8 Maybe —
Throw grappling hook (Use Rope) Yes 50
Total defense No 55
Turning check No 146
Use spell-like ability9 Yes 118
Use supernatural ability9 No 119
Use whip Yes —

Move Action AoO1 Page
Control nonwar mount (DC 20 Ride check) Yes 88
Crawl 5 feet10 Yes 91
Direct or redirect active spell No 134
Draw light weapon while grappling11 No 61
Draw weapon12 No —
Hide after sniping No 92
Load hand crossbow, light crossbow, or sling13 Yes —
Make active Listen check or Spot check No 114
Mount or dismount No 88
Move14 Yes 90
Note the direction of scent No 115
Open or close door No —
Pick up item Yes —
Push or pull heavy object Yes 47
Ready or loose shield15 No —
Retrieve stored item Yes —

Move Action AoO1 Page
Sheathe weapon Yes —
Spur mount No 89
Stand from prone Yes 35
Switch hands with an item No —

Full-Round Action AoO1 Page
Activate magic item
Administer potion to unconscious creature Yes 84
Apply oil to unconscious creature Yes 84
Cast metamagic spell spontaneously Yes 139
Cast spell (1 round casting time)16 Yes 133
Cast touch spell (1 standard action casting
time) and touch two to six allies Yes 126
Charge17 No 27
Control nonwar mount (on failed DC 20
Ride check) Yes 89
Coup de grace Yes 62
Escape from net or entangling spell (DC 20
Escape Artist check) Yes —
Extinguish flames No 48
Full attack No 17
Light torch Yes —
Load heavy crossbow bolt or
repeating crossbow bolt case18 Yes —
Lock or unlock weapon in locked gauntlet19 Yes —
Open lock Yes 44
Plug ears with soundproof material No 48
Prepare oil with fuse20 Yes —
Retrieve spell component while grappling21 No 61
Run Yes 93
Search 5 cubic feet Yes 114
Secure grappling hook (DC 10 Use
Rope check) Yes 50
Trample Yes 101
Withdraw17 No 94

Swift Action AoO1 Page
Cast quickened spell No 125
Cast spell (1 swift action casting time) No 125
Use quickened spell-like ability No 118

Immediate Action AoO1 Page
Cast spell (1 immediate action casting time) No 124

Free Action AoO1 Page
Cease concentration on spell No 133
Draw ammunition No —
Drop item22 No —
Drop prone23 No —
Fast mount or dismount (DC 20 Ride check) No —
Fight while war mount also attacks
(DC 10 Ride check) No 89
Load repeating crossbow bolt from case18 No —
Prepare spell components24 No 124
Release grappled or pinned opponent No 61
Speak25 No —
Stand from prone (DC 35 Tumble check) Yes 94
Use extraordinary ability9 No 118

No Action AoO1 Page
5-foot step No 90
Attack of opportunity26 Maybe 18
Cover from mount (DC 15 Ride check) No 88
Delay No 43
Duel of wills (Intimidate) No 68
Fight defensively27 No 55
Guide mount with knees (DC 5 Ride check) No 88
Identify spell being cast (Spellcraft check,DC 15 + spell level) No 138
Make Concentration check No 33
Make passive Listen check or Spot check No 114
Stay in saddle (DC 5 Ride check) No 88
Action Type Varies AoO1 Page
Aid another on a check4 Maybe 31
Disarm28 Yes* 45
Grapple28 Yes* 60
Sunder weapon28 Yes* 142
Sunder object28, 29 Maybe* 142
Trip28 Yes* 145
Use feat30 Maybe —
Use skill31 Maybe —

Re: L'angolo del Tecnico

lun nov 09, 2009 12:55

Riesumo il topic per alcune cose che saranno utili a tutti.
Se qualcuno ha incompatibilità con l'inglese... vi prego, non chiedetemi di tradurre tutto!

Many racial abilities, class features, spells, and magic items
offer bonuses on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws,
Armor Class, ability scores, or skill checks.

Bonuses of different types always stack. Bonuses that have
identical types don’t stack, except for dodge bonuses and
some circumstance bonuses. Untyped bonuses stack unless
the bonuses come from the same effect.
Penalties aren’t usually typed, but identical types of
penalties don’t stack. In this latter case, the worst penalty

Bonuses are classifi ed by type, as described here.
An alchemical bonus represents the benefi t from a chemical,
usually one ingested prior to receiving the bonus.
This is the bonus that nonmagical armor gives a creature. An
effect that gives an armor bonus typically creates an invisible,
tangible fi eld of force.
This is a bonus or penalty based on situational factors, which
might apply either to a check or the DC for that check.
Circumstance modifi ers stack with each other, unless they
arise from essentially the same circumstance.
When a creature has a competence bonus, it actually becomes
better at what it’s doing.
A def lection bonus increases a creature’s AC by making
attacks veer off.
A dodge bonus enhances a creature’s ability to get out of
the way quickly. Dodge bonuses stack with other dodge
bonuses, but they don’t apply whenever a creature is denied
its Dexterity bonus to AC.
An enhancement bonus represents an increase in an armor
bonus, a natural armor bonus, or a shield bonus. It can also
represent an increase in a weapon’s effectiveness or a general
bonus to an ability score.
An inherent bonus is a bonus to an ability score that results
from powerful magic. A creature is limited to a total inherent
bonus of +5 to any ability score.
An insight bonus makes a creature better at what it’s doing by
giving an almost precognitive knowledge of factors pertinent
to the activity.
A luck bonus represents good fortune.
A morale bonus represents determination. Such bonuses
come from mind-affecting effects.
Natural Armor
A natural armor bonus is the type of bonus that many creatures
have because of their tough or scaly hides.
A profane bonus represents the power of evil.
Creatures gain racial bonuses—usually to skill checks—
based on the kind of creature they are.
A resistance bonus is a general bonus against magic or harm.
Resistance bonuses almost always affect saving throws.
A sacred bonus relates to the power of good.
Much like an armor bonus, a shield bonus to AC represents
the protection a nonmagical shield affords. An effect that
gives a shield bonus usually represents an invisible, tangible
shield of force that moves to protect a creature.
When a creature changes size due to a magical effect, some
of the changes can be size bonuses or size penalties. Such
modifi ers stack with those granted by natural size or changes
in natural size, such as when a monster advances.

Re: L'angolo del Tecnico

lun nov 09, 2009 13:40

Rapporto di trasparenza tra Magia e Arti psioniche.

The default rule for the interaction of psionics and magic is simple: Powers interact with spells and spells interact with powers in the same way a spell or normal spell-like ability interacts with another spell or spell-like ability.
This is known as psionics-magic transparency.

Psionics-Magic Transparency

Though not explicitly called out in the spell descriptions or magic item descriptions, spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items that could potentially affect psionics do affect psionics.

When the rule about psionics-magic transparency is in effect, it has the following ramifications.

Spell resistance is effective against powers, using the same mechanics. Likewise, power resistance is effective against spells, using the same mechanics as spell resistance. If a creature has one kind of resistance, it is assumed to have the other. (The effects have similar ends despite having been brought about by different means.)

All spells that dispel magic have equal effect against powers of the same level using the same mechanics, and vice versa.

The spell detect magic detects powers, their number, and their strength and location within 3 rounds (though a Psicraft check is necessary to identify the discipline of the psionic aura).

Dead magic areas are also dead psionics areas.

Multiple Effects
Powers or psionic effects usually work as described no matter how many other powers, psionic effects, spells, or magical effects happen to be operating in the same area or on the same recipient. Except in special cases, a power does not affect the way another power or spell operates. Whenever a power has a specific effect on other powers or spells, the power description explains the effect (and vice versa for spells that affect powers). Several other general rules apply when powers, spells, magical effects, or psionic effects operate in the same place.

Stacking Effects
Powers that provide bonuses or penalties on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and other attributes usually do not stack with themselves. More generally, two bonuses of the same type don’t stack even if they come from different powers, or one from a power and one from a spell. You use whichever bonus gives you the better result.
Different Bonus Types

The bonuses or penalties from two different powers, or a power and a spell, stack if the effects are of different types. A bonus that isn’t named (just a “+2 bonus” rather than a “+2 insight bonus”) stacks with any bonus.
Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths

In cases when two or more similar or identical effects are operating in the same area or on the same target, but at different strengths, only the best one applies. If one power or spell is dispelled or its duration runs out, the other power or spell remains in effect (assuming its duration has not yet expired).
Same Effect with Differing Results

The same power or spell can sometimes produce varying effects if applied to the same recipient more than once. The last effect in a series trumps the others. None of the previous spells or powers are actually removed or dispelled, but their effects become irrelevant while the final spell or power in the series lasts.
One Effect Makes Another Irrelevant

Sometimes, a power can render another power irrelevant.
Multiple Mental Control Effects

Sometimes psionic or magical effects that establish mental control render one another irrelevant. Mental controls that don’t remove the recipient’s ability to act usually do not interfere with one another, though one may modify another. If a creature is under the control of two or more creatures, it tends to obey each to the best of its ability, and to the extent of the control each effect allows. If the controlled creature receives conflicting orders simultaneously, the competing controllers must make opposed Charisma checks to determine which one the creature obeys.

Powers and Spells with Opposite Effects
Powers and spells with opposite effects apply normally, with all bonuses, penalties, or changes accruing in the order that they apply. Some powers and spells negate or counter each other. This is a special effect that is noted in a power’s or spell’s description.

Instantaneous Effects
Two or more magical or psionic effects with instantaneous durations work cumulatively when they affect the same object, place, or creature.

Re: L'angolo del Tecnico

lun ago 05, 2013 11:14

Visto che l'argomento è apparso in varie discussioni, penso sia utile uno sguardo tecnico sul rapporto tra alcune meccaniche di D&D:
- la condizione colto alla sprovvista
- la perdita del bonus di destrezza alla CA
- gli attacchi di precisione (come l'attacco furtivo del ladro o l'attacco improvviso del ninja)
- schivare prodigioso

Partiamo con il dire che colto alla sprovvista e perdere il bonus di destrezza alla CA non sono equivalenti. La prima condizione include la seconda, ma non viceversa.
Inoltre, essere colti alla sprovvista significa anche non poter effettuare attacchi di opportunità e non poter intraprendere azioni immediate. Se si perde il bonus di destrezza è invece ancora possibile effettuare queste azioni.
Per chiarire meglio, si può anche affermare che colto alla sprovvista è una condizione che si applica alla creatura, la perdita del bonus di destrezza può essere definita come una condizione che si applica ad un attacco (il cui successo si calcola non tenendo conto della destrezza alla CA).
Vista la loro diversa natura, è necessario perciò prestare attenzione a quali effetti determinano quale condizione.

Per quanto riguarda il colto alla sprovvista, è un effetto che generalmente si verifica:
- ad inizio scontro, quando non si è ancora agito per la prima volta secondo l'ordine di iniziativa*
- in seguito ad una riuscita prova di nascondersi, come determinato dalla descrizione dell'abilità sul Rules Compendium (pag.92), che prevale e riscrive la regola del manuale del giocatore
If you’re successfully hidden with respect to another creature, that creature is flat-footed with respect to you. That creature treats you as if you were invisible (see page 76).

in pratica determinando sia la condizione colto alla sprovvista sia quella di attacco sotto invisibilità (perdita del bonus di destrezza alla CA e bonus di +2 all'attacco).
- in seguito all'uso di tecniche (incantesimi, talenti, skill tricks, manovre, bla bla...) che specificamente richiamino questa condizione.

Gli attacchi di precisione si innescano specifcamente quando il bersaglio perde il bonus di destrezza alla CA. Questa è la condizione esatta per la legalità di questi attacchi**. Normalmente, essere colti alla sprovvista comporta anche la perdita del bonus di destrezza, quindi la possibilità di subire danni di precisione.

Schivare prodigioso è una capacità di varie classi (barbaro, ladro, warblade ad esempio) che consente di mantenere il bonus di destrezza alla CA anche quando colti alla sprovvista o attaccati da un avversario invisibile.
In pratica, schivare prodigioso spezza il legame che, normalmente, rende la perdita della des una condizione implicita dell'essere colto alla sprovvista.
Un personaggio con schivare prodigioso quindi, quando è colto alla sprovvista, non può fare attacchi di opportunità, non può intraprendere immediate e non può subire attacchi di precisione.

Eccezione a questa regola generale è lo schivare prodigioso derivato dalla classe Scout.
Starting at 2nd level, a scout cannot be caught flat-footed and reacts to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. See the barbarian class feature, page 26 of the Player’s Handbook.

Con una formulazione diversa rispetto a quella di tutte le altre classi, lo schivare prodigioso di uno scout rende esplicitamente immuni alla condizione colto alla sprovvista e a ciò che ne consegue.
E' però vero che la sua totale unicità e soprattutto il riferimento alla capacità del barbaro rendono lo schivare prodigioso dello scout di formulazione decisamente ambigua e moltissimi DM scelgono di mantenere la regola generale valida anche per lo scout, secondo un'interpretazione RAI piuttosto che RAW.

* Questa è la regola specifica che vorremmo cambiare con una home rule per i tornei tipo FC, cambiando la condizione da colto alla sprovvista a perdita del bonus di destrezza alla CA.
** oltre al fiancheggiamento nel caso del furtivo, argomento che in questo momento non ci interessa.
Argomento bloccato