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 Oggetto del messaggio: Festa dei demoni a Rinchnach
MessaggioInviato: lun dic 31, 2007 02:12 
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Admin di Valm Neira
Admin di Valm Neira
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Iscritto il: mar feb 03, 2004 12:50
Messaggi: 34449
Località: Valm Neira
A Rinchnach, in Baviera, ogni fine anno si svolge una tradizionale sfilata. In strada si celebra la notte dei demoni, una processione di origine medievale che celebra l'arrivo del nuovo anno e dell'Epifania.

Ecco alcune immagini: ... oni/1.html

La descrizione dell'evento è disponibile solo in inglese.
Chi volesse saperne di più, può leggere quanto segue. ;)

On the 29th of December in the historic village centre in Rinchnach, a large event celebrating the 12 days of Christmas (Rauhnachts) will take place. Starting at 4pm with a "Rauhnachtsumzug“ (Procession), Rauhnachtsdisco, Rauhnachtsfeuerstellen (Bonfire) and a witch’s dance.

This is not something for the jumpy or scaredy cats!!!
(It is a very loud event, and those taking part will dress up to play the part with horror masks. It’s also possible that some of those taking part may deal out a share a few blows).
The eloborate wooden masks are true works of art and can often weigh more than 15kg. Even heavier are the bells of the wolf herders who use the bells to make an eerie noise. This will be the fourth Rauhnachtstreffen in Rinchnach, and will attract more than 1,000 spectators.

What are the Rauhnächte (12 nights)?
The Rauhnächte are a time for necromancy and evocation that can be achieved through contact with animals, the implementation of oracles or the practices of soothsayers. In medieval times, the 12 days of Christmas were a time of celebration for Pagans.

In the middle of the twelve nights, specifically on New Year’s Eve, the God Wotan is supposed to break out on a wild hunt with the dead. According to folk tales, during this time the souls of the dead as well as spirits come into the open. Demons appear in procession of move through the land on a wild hunt. These beliefs are reflected in the Perchten processions throughout the Alps. The practice of making noise on New Year’s Eve is intended to keep the fiends at bay. The custom of the Winterauskehr at the end of Fasching (Carnival) belongs to this concept: The spirits who have truly taken root, can be banished once and for all.

Old folk tales see the Rauhnächte as a celebration of oracles. In New Year’s traditions, this belief – albeit in a more folksy manner – are practiced today in the form of Bleigießens (melting little lead figures in a spoon on New Year's Eve to see what the year ahead will bring - a form of fortune-telling). At midnight, animals in barns are supposed to speak and tell of the future.

The four named "Rauhnächte“ (Thomasnacht – December 21st; Christmas Night; New Year’s Eve and Ephiphany) are viewed in some areas as dangerous, and are spent fasting and praying. In the home, no confusion or disarray take place, no white laundry may hang on the line (which horsemen would steal in order to use as a shroud for their master through the course of the year. Another idea is that particular (young) woman are forbidden from entering the house. The hanging up of white (under) garments is thought to attract the "Wilde Jagd" (Wild Hunt) who would attack these women. Women and children should also not be allowed to be along in the streets after night has fallen. Another tale is that the Rauhnächte offer the opportunity for unmarried women to see their future husband at midnight within a crucifix or in a magical area.

Siamo simili in molti modi, tu ed io. C'è qualcosa di oscuro in noi. Oscurità, dolore, morte. Irradiano da noi. Se mai amerai una donna, Rand, lasciala e permettile di trovare un altro uomo. Sarà il più bel regalo che potrai farle.
Che la pace favorisca la tua spada. Tai'shar Manetheren!


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Festa dei demoni a Rinchnach
MessaggioInviato: ven mar 14, 2008 10:27 
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Iscritto il: ven nov 30, 2007 12:38
Messaggi: 36
Località: Isola della Scala
bella....bella festa.....però le mamme non potranno più usare la minaccia dell'uomo nero!!!!!io se fossi un bimbo gli riderei in faccia!!!ahahahahah!! :jollone: :jollone: :jollone:

Nefarious, Evil, Cheerleader-Reaping, Orphan-Snatching Imp of Spite



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